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諾瑪瑜珈精華人氣師資帶領 #Mei #Tanya #Nina
國內+國際海外,雙證照一次華麗入手,紐約Om Factory國際證照+中華民國內政部認證—奧創音樂與肢體研發協會證照>>> 美國紐約總部 Om Factory School of Yoga 授權原廠證書,國際認證+台灣內政部協會認證
在台灣拿紐約証照,最完整精緻的空中瑜珈師資培訓!諾瑪人氣資深教師實戰教學指導 + 完整書面講義傳授!
全程參與課程與完成者,課程結束可取得紐約OM Factory課程+奧創音樂與肢體研發協會結業證書!
經由指導教師評估身體能力與結業測試表現優異通過審核者,可取得紐約OM Factory師資認證證書。此證書會在培訓後與成績單以電子版本確認寄發。
美國紐約Om Factory瑜珈學校 ( Om Factory School of Yoga)在紐約已經有超過15年的歷史。其中的50小時空中瑜珈師資培訓課程(50 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Program,OFSY AYTT) 為六天制的培訓課程,已經在紐約、首爾等地舉辦多年。
6. 空中掛布設備安裝與安全性培訓
7. 專業教學法與藝術性指導
8. 個人教學特色與潛能開發
♡ 培訓四大目標:
1. 對空中瑜珈安全學習的完整認知
2. 對人體解剖學知識的完整了解,尤其是與空中瑜珈相關的部分
3. 協助所有程度的學生順利及快樂的學習空中瑜珈
4. 對瑜珈體位法有深層的認識,尤其是在空中瑜珈吊床中使用到的動作
- 美國瑜珈聯盟師資認證RYT-200
- 火箭瑜珈師資認證Rocket Yoga Teacher Trainin (60hr)
- IKYA中華民國兒童瑜珈協會師資認證
- 紐約 Om Factory Aerial Yoga 空中瑜珈師資證照
- 紐約 Om Factory Aerial Mellow certificate 空中療癒師資證照
- NoMad Om Factory, TPE 進階空瑜/空中舞蹈大師研習By Brenna Bradbury
- NoMad Om Factory, TPE 進階空環大師研習 By Brenna Bradbury
- 整合性疼痛處理技巧研習
- 功能性動作評估與矯正運動研習
- Sports Massage Basic 美式運動按摩認證
- 滾筒肌筋膜放鬆Level 1 認證
- NAHA美國國家芳療協會
- 乙級美容技術士Level B technician for beauty
- 中國文化大學舞蹈學系主修現代舞
- 曾任現代舞團舞者獲邀至波蘭、加拿大、紐約...等地參與演出
- 美國瑜珈聯盟師資認證RYT-200
- Aerial Yoga 空中瑜珈師資認證
- 反重力瑜珈師資認證
- 空中環師資認證
- 艾揚格Iyengar Yoga 研習 with Peter Scott
- 50-Hours Mindfulness Yin Yoga Teacher Training(Advance Level)
- 50-Hours Mindfulness Yin Yoga Teacher Training(Fundamental Level)
- 阿育吠陀Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher Training師資認證
- 筋膜滾筒認證
— 諾瑪瑜珈空中瑜珈、瑜珈、空中舞蹈、輕功舞蹈小品Bungee Dance授課教師
— 輕功舞蹈小品Bungee Dance培訓帶領教師
Nina 自幼學習舞蹈,培養了扎實的舞蹈專業。
擅長芭蕾舞、現代舞、民族舞、街舞,擁有豐富的比賽及教學經驗。目前擁有瑜珈All Yoga 200小時師資、空中瑜珈一、二級師資認證、Bungee dance空中舞躍師資認證。
對 Nina 來說,世界上只要多了一位瑜伽練習者,就是多了一位快樂的人!
-OM FACTORY 4hr高階舞綢師資
-LE YOGA Aerial yoga teacher level1 level2 空中瑜珈
-LE YOGA 高空舞躍 bungeedance師資
👉 培訓時間:
2025/4/4-6 週五到週日 每天0930-1830 (8小時) @諾瑪一館
2025/4/11-13 週五到週日 每天0930-1830 (8小時) @諾瑪一館
👉 報名費用: 原價68,888元 2025/2/15前享有報名享優惠價60,888元,2025/3/20前報名享有優惠62,888元!3/21起恢復原價
👉 報名資格:任何對空瑜有興趣者皆可以報名,但由於教室空間有限,因此以有瑜珈、空瑜經驗、長期運動基礎、武術及舞蹈經驗的朋友們為優先錄取對象,歡迎聯繫報名。 報名贈課,有效期間可在諾瑪瑜珈選擇4堂初引課程(市價3200元)
諮詢請加LINE ID: @nomad
If you have any questions about teacher training, please feel free to contact us!
• A thorough understanding of Aerial Yoga safety, alignment, embodied anatomy, modifications, hands-on assists, transitions and more.
• Everything you need to know to safely guide students through beginning and advanced-level Aerial Yoga classes.
• Exclusive 300-page OFSY Aerial Yoga training manual. A comprehensive resource including over 160 Aerial Yoga & Cirque poses, anatomy & teaching skills sections, and much more.
• OFSY Mellow Flow supplementary training manual.
• Online video library access. Includes videos that break down basic & advanced Aerial Yoga acrobatics.
• Sample Sequences to inspire new Aerial Yoga instructors.
• Certificate of Completion from OFSY Aerial Teacher Training.
• 4-Class Pack: Valid for 4 basic classes.
Requirements for graduation
• Attendance of all 50 in-class hours of training
• Completion of in-class and take-home assignments
• Adequate demonstration of knowledge in all areas of Aerial Yoga, as determined by AYTT faculty
• Passing grades on both written and practical exams
• Submission of four final projects within two weeks of completing the training.
All graduates are expected to adhere to a few common goals:
• A sincere devotion to safety
• A thorough understanding of human anatomy, especially in the way it relates to the aerial hammock
• An interest in supporting students at all levels of experience
• A deep knowledge of yoga poses and the ways in which they are altered by communion with an aerial hammock
Om Factory School of Yoga's 50 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training Program (OFSY AYTT) is a six-day course developed over the past several years through the collaboration of Om Factory's Aerial Yoga Teaching Faculty. The program is intended to teach Certified Yoga Teachers the necessary tools to teach safe, intelligent and dynamic Aerial Yoga classes. Dedicated students looking to deepen their knowledge and take their practice to a new level are also welcome to participate in the training. Upon satisfying all graduation requirements, trainees are encouraged to continue their study at Om Factory with an additional 50 hour-long Apprenticeship; this program builds a bridge from the training intensive towards actualizing skills and beginning to teach classes.
Om Factory's particular style of Aerial Yoga was and continues to be developed by its teaching community and dedicated students. It is heavily rooted in and inspired by a traditional yoga practice. Despite the eye-catching glitz of circus-inspired acrobatics, yoga is our meat and potatoes; circus is dessert.
OFSY AYTT is always led by two lead instructors with the support of two-to-three additional guest teachers from our Core Faculty. The intention is to introduce participants to a multitude of different perspectives and teaching styles. We are not interested in producing clones of our Core Faculty; rather, we aim to empower trainees to find their own unique methodology.
Training modules include:
Aerial Asana: Poses, Modifications & Contraindications
Embodied Aerial Anatomy: How the aerial hammock supports the body, with special emphasis on the shoulders, hips & spine
Principles of Aerial Alignment: Aerial terminology and the basics of how the hammock interacts with your body
Philosophy of Flight: Ways to infuse classical yogic teachings into an Aerial Yoga class
Sequencing 101: A guide to creating safe, fun and inspiring Aerial Yoga classes
Mellow Flow: Om Factory’s signature introspective, restorative offering
Rigging & Safety: The nuts & bolts of safely taking the practice off the ground
The Art of Adjustments: The means to support your students with both your voice and your body
Advanced Aerial yoga & Aerial hammock Dance